Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Day of Winter - Burrrrr

December 21, 2009 is the first day of winter and also the shortest day of the year (as far as daylight goes.) The Winter Solstice will officially begin at 12:47 pm. Although there are other factors in different parts of the world, in the Northern Hemisphere, we think of winter in terms of "COLD"!

Have you noticed an increased number of birds at your feeders this past week? By continuously having their favorite foods, they will learn to count on your feeder. If you only put food in it periodically, you may never have the variety of birds that make winter bird watching so much fun.

You should begin to see Grosbeaks joining the blue jays, cardinals, nuthatches, various finches and sparrows. As soon as their food reserves begin to dwindle, the woodpeckers will frequent the feeders more. It's time to put out my homemade suet cakes.

I keep a large feeder at the back by the woods full of corn for the squirrels to help them want to stay away from my sunflower seeds. It mostly works. The squirrels are mating now through February - as if we don't have enough. Our dogs usually keep the number thinned but this year we have seven living in our woods.

Both birds and critters will be looking for handouts as long as we have snow cover.

As a side note: Be sure to provide a dry shelter, warmth, food and fresh water for your pets this winter. Please don't torture them by neglect.

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