Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Walk - Peoria

My friend, Marge, sent this to me.  A garden walk in the Highpoint Subdivision of Peoria.  As with most garden walks, this one benefits charity - in this case "Look, It's My Book".

Should you need additional encouragement to walk a garden event, think about the following:

Chance to see a large variety of styles, sizes, garden maturity levels, plants, decorations, and themes.
Chance to have a day out with family or friends.
Chance to get ideas - either what to do or not do.
Seriously cheap entertainment.

If you would like your garden walk featured on this blog, send a brochure to me.  I prefer garden walks that benefit charities or non-profits.  I don't mind featuring walks anywhere since this is an open public blog and it might just work out for others traveling in "your neck of the woods" while on vacation.

I admire those folks who are willing to have their gardens featured on a walk.  It takes a lot of work for most.  Even if you hire all the landscaping and upkeep done by others, it then takes a lot of money.  Either way, it's giving of yourself and not by any small measure.

I've been on the other side by being a chairman of a garden walk.  Another large job.  One thing nice is most people who have done this are willing to share their experience and suggestions with the newbie.

On the day of the walk, both the residents and the organizers see the fruition of months of work with a glorious day for gardeners.  Gardeners really are a group of nice people and thank you to everyone offering up your gardens for the enjoyment of others.  

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