Monday, November 26, 2012

Raised From the Ashes Update

Photo from Bruno Torfs e-mail 2012
In my article "Raised From the Ashes"  #125 about Bruno Torfs Sculpture Gardens, I talked of the 2009 Australian brush fire that killed neighbors and distroyed his home and gallery. 

He, his family, friends and strangers have cleaned, landscaped, and rebuilt the beautiful rainforest exhibits.  The gallery is completed and the Torfs' home is in the process of completion.

If you would like to see the progress or if you've never seen his art, go to  His fired clay sculptures look as if they were carved from the forest or dropped there by some mystic force.  The rainforests of Austrialia were beautiful and will be again.  Bruno Torfs' sculptures will continue to merge with nature as long as he can imagine.

His story is one of imagination that must be used and the world is a better place because he chose art as his expression.       

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