Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pondering Alone - With Nobody Else

The old George Thorogood song with a few word changes:

"I ponder alone, yeah,
With nobody else
I ponder alone, yeah,
With nobody else
You know when I ponder alone,
I prefer to be by myself"
So many songs can be adopted to the Coronavirus situation - most funny and many irreverent.  And it sent me to pondering:
Are all the doctors who are making YouTube videos in an office setting and wearing their surgical caps having a bad hair day?
At what point is a politician so out of touch with his/her constituents that they really believe we want to hear political one-up-man-ship instead of just facts I need to know.  Holding me hostage thru your political commentary just so I know facts to keep me alive does not make me a devoted servant.  
Do you find it a bit comforting to know that TV and movie personalities have homes that are as messy and oddly decorated as yours?
My long held belief that some people are stupid has not waned.  
I was a rebel and wild child in my youth.  In spite of that, I knew if something could kill me or my loved ones, I didn't do it.  
One of my thank you prayers has always been "Thank you for letting me be born in the Midwest of the USA."  It continues.
You have to have been through tragedy to really understand and appreciate goodness. 
It would be so cool to be a stress non-eater!
I feel sorry for people living in places where they can't or won't pull together for the common good.
If this virus is the beginning of the Biblical Rapture simply because it's so horrible, then remember the 6 million Jews and 11 million other victims of Nazi persecution.  Could it be the beginning, possibly.  But not simply based on there's horrible death and suffering.
Are the people who are making fun, having jokes and cartoons not serious about the virus?  No, they're coping - just like you and I - in their own way.
Is the doctor who is wearing his white medical coat and making a PBS studio video asking for my donations to the station really not have a decent shirt or sport coat?
At the grocery, standing in the check out line, everyone unconsciously kept shuffling to keep their distance from others.  It was like watching those little magnets we had as kids where it would push the other one away whichever way it moved.  
Churches that aren't using social media sources are missing a mission opportunity.
It's hard for the "stars" who need/crave constant publicity to compete right now.
Congrats to sports writers who are actually having to research and write stories instead of simply listing the stats and salivating over the latest hero.  I seldom read the sports pages but they've had some interesting articles of late.    
Have you considered what it means that most newspapers are carrying stories written about situations/things other than area events?  It means they have laid off local newspaper journalists and photographers and are buying that stuff.  It's cheap fill and you're paying more to get less.
Pretty sobering that in a few months, Italy went from being famous for its huge contributions to the worlds of art, architecture, fashion, opera, literature, design, and film to a nation that is now having to consider anyone over 80 years old expendable.
For the equally clueless and relentless reporter questioning the very top military leaders about why all military bases haven't been totally locked down and all personnel locked in:  They explained balance of health cautions vs. defense needs at least ten times and she still pushed.  Considering the combat training in this group, she might consider herself lucky they remained polite.
The arm chair sports fans' critiques have nothing on the arm chair national and state handling of the crisis critiques.
If you haven't given a big tip or simply just given cash to restaurant carry out people, then you're missing an opportunity.  Don't miss opportunities.
I know the elderly are at risk for this virus.  I've also seen they are the ones who are laughing, keeping busy and making the best of it.  I've not heard one elderly person say they're bored.  Save these people, they may be the last tough generation. 
Being isolated and being slovenly are too close for comfort.
Raise your hand working mothers and dads if you think your stay at home alone kids are actually doing all those cute art, learning, healthy things you've suggested.  Raise those hands, anyone . . . 
There are two kinds of people staying home:  (1) Whoo hoo it's vacation!  (2) I'm going to get everything done that I've put off my entire life.  The weighted curve is on #1.
As we listen to Illinois Gov. Pritzker's daily state of the virus updates, anyone but me hear a Presidential campaign ramping up?

I watched a series of UNO games the other night with my little grans and their folks.  Under normal circumstances it could have been a little slow - since self isolating myself, it was precious.  Thanks for FaceTiming me girls.

For those getting exercise outside - you know those zombie movies where there's no one on the streets - does it creep you out a bit?

A set of comparisons, from my era, and my summary:
  • During WWII, everyone pulled together.  We were all in the same situation, all had people in the middle of it, all held tight to our loved ones and gave a break to the stranger.
  • During the Vietnam war, we were severely divided as a nation.  
  • After 911, everyone pulled together.
  • During the Coronavirus, we are a nation sharply divided.
Although it's too simple a summary, when the nation is sharply divided, there was/are political and special interests manipulating the citizens.  I hope there's a special place in hell for those that pull those strings.

Speaking of pulling together, all I have to do is watch/read national/world news to realize my rural small town people are some of the best.  I know you have to search for it because the major media doesn't care, but there are so many wonderful things being done by good folks - often anonymously.  Even some the large philanthropic efforts are given little more than a back page mention.

If I sound like I'm down on the media - I am - sorta.  I'm not down on local reporters and other employees.  I have a child that graduated with a journalism degree, she was in the newspaper business and can tell horror stories of what's being done to those locals.  A good friend was on the radio and was at the whim of next best flavor of owners.  Don't tell me on-line media is killing papers, radio and television reporting - its big business owner greed.

If you like politics, isn't it interesting to see how each State's governor is handling the virus threat?  And the resulting outcome of their leadership?  There are history books being written about this period in time.  

Remember when every retiree in Illinois wanted to spend the winter in Florida?  That state can't even manage their beaches let alone protect its retiree population.   Hope our snowbirds are isolating back home.

On my list of things to do while self isolating:  Clean my old house basement.  Done!  Can hardly move today.  But done!  

And so it is - When I ponder alone, I prefer to be by myself. . .   

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