Thursday, April 17, 2014

Garden Like There's No Tomorrow

A friend passed along Erma Bombeck’s “If I Had My Life to Live Over” essay.  I’ve always treasured this list and more so as I’ve aged. 

Bombeck wrote the article while she was dying from cancer and her insight into what makes a great life is seen through eyes that know they will not be able to redo many of life’s moments.

I’ve found the turning point for me between youth and not so young was when I realized it was simply too late for some things.  It’s not lack of optimism or that I’m ill, but rather a reality check.   I simply can no longer put my foot behind my head in competition with my granddaughter – sorry - call me old but better than calling an EMT to unwind me.  But I digress . . .

I decided to do today’s article as it pertains to gardening:  “Garden like there’s no tomorrow.”  What would you add?

I would pick more flowers and share them more often.

I would not let weeds define my gardening.

When my body hurts from too much gardening, I would stop working and enjoy what’s already accomplished.

I would take more vacations at home and enjoy my garden rather than spending time in transportation and congestion. 

I would light more candles in my garden on evenings when no one was coming over.

I would have bought a good camera sooner.

I would have planted onions.

I would have asked my grandparents about their gardens.

I would have embraced the ponytail.

I would have installed a badminton court, horseshoe pit and a croquet field – well maybe anyway.

Jamie and Ivey
I would have learned how to play croquet from my grandparent’s generation.

I would have worn flowers in my hair.

I would not have breathed garden chemicals.

I would not have planted ground covers.

I would hang out more laundry to dry and take the time to smell its fragrance at the end of the day.

I would have used all the beautiful garden lanterns, pillows, cloth table covers, torches and other “company” décor every single day until they fell apart rather than gathering dust.

I’d go on more garden walks even if it was crazy hot, miserably cold, or raining cats and dogs.

I’d talk to my kids and grandkids more about nature and why it’s so great.

I’d thank God more often for all the wondrous and mysterious beauty He’s allowed me to enjoy though gardening. 

“Footfalls echo in the memory
Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose garden.”
T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

(Today I featured my granddaughters - all different - all wonderful - all with beautiful spirits.) 


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