Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

This is "Maggy" then called "Buddy" after an informative vet visit.
He had a wonderful story all his own
and after many wonderful and storied years, has gone to cat heaven.
I'm a cat lover - there "I've said it!"  I know the pros - the cons - and still I would be the crazy cat lady if I didn't know the hazards.

I've had cats all my life.  When I was a kid we had them on the farm.  They were kept to the barns and porches as my Dad, the farmer, didn't believe in animals in the house.  Still, I spent many an afternoon playing zoo keeper, circus trainer, cat doll dress up and just plain loving my cats.  

As an adult, there's always been at least one house cat in my near past or future, if not in the house.  Right now, I have a sweet little house cat, Bitsey, (that likes ventures outside through the cat door in the summer.)  I don't let her out in the winter because it's way too cold and the eagles/hawks are way too hungry.  
This pretty guy "Boots" was an adventurer who had no fears.  After a few years, he disappeared
and I'm assuming his "no fear" attitude might have been is undoing although
I choose to imagine him simply living with another family of his choice.
Through the years, I've had cats dumped here, wander here or adopted here.  They've been varied in looks and personalities and I've pretty much loved them all.  

I know there are complaints about feral cats in town and with good reason.  Where I live in the country, the whole feral cat thing is a different situation.  A feral cat in the country has a very short life span due to coyotes, other predators and health risks.  Competition for food is pretty high in the country.  Protection from the elements is hard because other wild animals know those places, too.  Today, people tear down old barns and sheds thus eliminating shelter in a hole in the soft straw and hay for outdoor cats.  
This is "J", Boots' sister, who had the preservation instinct down to a science.
She lived almost 18 years as my indoor/outdoor cat and left for kitty heaven just last year.
Over the years, I've had a couple of returning big feral male cats make a stop at my house on their tour of the country side.  They aren't vicious but they are certainly wary enough to run when a human or dog is near.  Both seem to be pretty healthy in spite of obvious war wounds.

For years, a beautiful golden orange Big Guy would visit.  He was wary of me but it was with an attitude.  He was used to being dominate and that included humans.  One summer day as I was at the computer, I heard the cat door opening and turned just as Big Guy walked calmly into the kitchen and started eating cat food.  I have no idea how many times he'd performed this little trick but as I walked into the room, he turned and gave me "what do you want" look.  I politely asked him to leave (shoo shoo) and he did but not without a few back looks that let me know he was only leaving because HE wanted to not because I was insisting.  Big Guy stopped showing up a several years ago and I'm assuming Big Guy went to cat heaven hopefully by his own accord and not through an unfortunate event.    
This little boy "Bond - James Bond" loved being friends with our dog, Buddy" and they played
 and slept together for several years.  One day he zigged when he should have zagged and kitty heaven welcomed another sweet little guy.  
I've resisted the urge to feed strays because I would become the home to another cat, one that didn't particularly like people and one my own cats didn't particularly want as competition.  I was pretty sure most weren't vaccinated and probably had a case of fleas that would spread.  Another reason not to put out pet food is it attracts raccoons (dirty, hateful & damaging) and mice.    

Because none have ever looked like they've been starved, I suspected one of my neighbors fed them regularly or perhaps even took care of all their needs.  
"Bitsey" is my house kitty.  At 13 yrs. old, she is now queen.
Today, I was surprised to see the current beautiful charcoal gray Big Guy snacking at my bird feeder where I had thrown out some stale Christmas cookies.  He's well fed and today seemed healthy although a bit muddy.  I'm thinking he has to belong to someone.  He's more skittish than golden Big Guy although he likes to sun himself on my front porch.  My old cat (J) seemed to enjoy the company - my little house cat (Bitsey) not so much.  She considers anything/anyone new a threat; Children, wind, other cats, the howling of coyotes, the weather alert alarm - just about anything but me and dog Buddy sends her into hiding.
Gray "Big Guy" cat.
Sooooo - today gray Big Guy realized I was photographing him from the window and scooted towards the woods.  With these cold temperatures, he must be one tough guy to be wandering so far from home.  Hopefully, after some cookies, he'll catch a few mice and get back to whoever loves him enough to keep him fed and healthy.  And he'll have some leisurely time to clean the mud off his face.  Being the neighborhood Big Guy is a lot of responsibility.    

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