Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Big Freeze

We've been warned - it's suppose to freeze tonight.  Not just frost - a full scale freeze.  I debated just how much I wanted to save. 

The odd weather this summer contributed to a very late burst of blooming on annuals as-well-as confused perennials.  Was so enjoying them.

My yard's too big to cover everything in blankets, therefore, things are going to die back.  My husband moved potted things into the garage as a first step towards getting them either inside the bay window or down in the basement for dormancy.  Other pots were left outside to bring an end to the flowering and the next warm day I'll get them winterized, too.

I picked every rose on my Julia Child and have a beautiful bouquet.  The rest of the perennial flowers will probably die.

Last week I had picked the garden of all nice sized tomatoes (both red and green) and any decent sized peppers (pictured below).  After finishing that huge mess, I made up my mind I was done canning and the rest was just going to either rot or someone else could have them.  

Today I had to take one more look - mistake.  I simply could not leave smallish peppers, tomatoes and butternut squash.  It somehow seemed ungrateful.  Not sure what I'll do with this last batch of green tomatoes and peppers - I'm thinking I'll try something totally different. 

Since we're having family over for our "Let's celebrate every one's birthday" cookout Sunday, I've left some things in the yard - chairs, candles, and decorations.  Next week needs final winterizing tasks completed. 

And so, this evening I've put away the flip flops, brought out the sweaters and slippers and I'm sure there's a cup of hot cider calling my name.  I'll continue working my way through "The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt" by Edmund Morris. 

Tomorrow I'll tackle the garden produce. . .

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